Yawng Htang
grew up in Nam San Yang village, which he had to flee from civil war in 2011. He has since become dedicated to image making, especially covering the plight of IDPs like himself.
In 2017, his photo essay titled ” Again” won 6th prize for best photo essay from an emerging photographer at the Yangon Photo Festival.
His photos & videos have been published by the BBC, the Guardian, DVB and have been commissioned by Oxfam, Trocaire & several local NGOs.

Sinwar Naung
He grew up in Namsang Yang village, which he had to flee from civil war in 2011.
We have been doing unofficial mentorships for over a decade but have recently dedicated ourselves to foster mentees free of charge, who are willing to teach incoming mentees. This will help build a sustainable model for developing future media creators.
Each graduating mentee will come out of the mentorship with a professional portfolio containing at least 20 single images, an additional strong body of work about a project of their choice and at least one paid published work.
Yawng Htang's Portfolio
Sinwa's Portfolio
Real world examples of mentoring include
Answering questions about fair pricing and advising on media licensing agreements
Advising on grants & contests to be applying for and assisting the application process if needed.
Connecting our mentees with editors & gate keepers in the media world
Assisting in selection & sequencing of photo essays before sending to publishers